Node Dev Guide
Before you start, the Project Architecture doc should be read to know codebase design and app design.
Docker - to run dependent servers locally, needs to be installed locally.
Rust - to implement storage in the server, needs to be installed locally. If you need a rust proxy, try .
Run PostgreSQL
docker pull postgres
docker run --rm --name affine-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=affine -p 5432:5432 -v ~/Documents/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
If you want to use a dedicated volume.
docker volume create affine-postgres
docker run --rm --name affine-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=affine -p 5432:5432 -v affine-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
Run MailHog (Optional)
To debug some features related to sending email, like login.
docker run --rm --name mailhog -p 1025:1025 -p 8025:8025 mailhog/mailhog
After the server is started, you need to config ENABLE_LOCAL_EMAIL="true"
in the .env
Run Web Server (Optinal)
To debug features from the web client to node server, you should read Web Dev Guide to start web server.
Run Stripe Listener (Optinal)
TODO: document about payment development
Prepare DB
Enter DB terminal:
docker exec -it affine-postgres psql -U postgres
In the terminal, following the example to init user & table:
psql (15.3 (Debian 15.3-1.pgdg120+1))
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# CREATE USER affine WITH PASSWORD 'affine';
postgres=# ALTER USER affine WITH SUPERUSER;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE affine;
postgres=# \du
In the last, you can see:
Prepare Prisma
At the beginning or once the DB schema is changed, you need to run it.
yarn workspace @affine/server prisma db push
After that, you can enable Prisma Studio to explore and manipulate your data in all of your Prisma projects.
yarn workspace @affine/server prisma studio
Prepare Env
Copy .env
file from .env.example
in the server project to config database URL and enable local email by MailHog.
Build Rust Package
The server depends on @affine/storage
, which is written by Rust and has super high performance, to implement CRDT and is compatible with yjs .
At the beginning or once the package is changed, you need to run it.
yarn workspace @affine/storage build
Now you should be able to start developing affine in the server package.
yarn workspace @affine/server dev